Disability Cultural Center Open House

Flyer for DCC's Open House
Flyer for Cultural & Resource Center Open Houses


11 a.m. – 2 p.m., Sept. 8, 2022

Join us for our Open House happening on September 8th from 11am - 2pm at the DCC in Highland Commons on the second floor of the Disability Resource Center!

We will have food, activities, and a tabling area where you can learn about disability organizations on campus and in Tucson.

Please contact disabilityculture@arizona.edu to request ASL interpretation or any additional access needs.


Other Upcoming Cultural and Resource Center Open Houses

August 31st: AASA @ 5pm MLK Building

September 7th: WGRC & LGBTQ RC Student Union 4th floor

September 8th: DCC @ 11am Highland Commons 2nd Floor

September 9th: CGA @ 12pm MLK Building
